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May 2023


1st Thursday (Stated)

3rd Thursday (Called)

***Dinner at 6:30 pm***

***Meeting starts at 7:30 pm***

Jacket and Tie

4093 NW 4th Ave.

Boca Raton, FL 33431

(561) 501-0545


Mailing Address

Boca Delray Lodge 171

PO BOX 811113

Boca Raton FL 33481-1113


Lodge Officers

Worshipful Master: Alexandre Ferrari 954-934-7996

Senior Warden: Rafael Nioac de Salles 561-929-6499

Junior Warden: Nick Richard 561-699-5583

Secretary: R∴W∴ Michael P. Sinatra 561-613-8094

Musician: Scott Kaapke 561-504-8535

Treasurer: W∴ Anthony Denton 561-322-8492

Chaplain: W∴ Howard Zimmerman 561-512-5143

Marshal: Paul Goldstein 561-271-6138

Senior Deacon: Paul Jacob 561-609-9504

Junior Deacon: Jesse Mercado 954-422-3999

Senior Steward: Eric Figueroa 917-544-8879

Junior Steward: Patrick Quirk 561-507-3727

Tyler: Giuseppe Garufi 954-682-2584

Most Worshipful Grand Master

M∴W∴G∴M∴ Robert Lambert

District Deputy Grand Master

R∴W∴ Allan D. Mason - 561-715-7173

District Instructor

R∴H∴ Salvatore Musumeci - 954-871-6018

Lodge Secretary

R∴W∴ Michael P. Sinatra - 561-613-8094


Lodge Committees

Finance: Chairman: S.W. Rafael Nioac de Salles

Members; R∴W∴ Michael Sinatra, R∴W∴ Rex Bradford, R∴ H∴ Sal Musumeci,

W∴ Demetrios Kirkiles, W∴ Anthony Denton, Brother Shelly Pittleman

Property / Rental: Chairman: S.S. Eric Figueroa

Members; R∴W∴ Rex Bradford, W∴ Anthony Denton, J.W. Nick Richard, J.D. Paul Jacob

Public Relations / Social Media Communications: Chairman: W∴ M∴ Alexandre Ferrari

Members; S.W. Rafael Nioac de Salles, Benjamin Cohen, J.S. Patrick Quirk, W∴ Howard Zimmerman

Board of Relief: Chairman: W∴ M∴ Alexandre Ferrari

Members; J.W. Nick Richard, S.W. Rafael Nioac de Salles

Charity: Chairman: S.W. Rafael Salles

Members; Tyler, Giuseppe Garufi, S.D Paul Jacob

Visitor Examination: Chairman: S.D. Paul Jacob

Members: Chaplain W∴ Howard Zimmerman, J.D. Jesse Mercado,

Vigilance: Chairman: J.W. Nick Richards

Members; R∴W∴ Michael Sinatra, R∴W∴ Rex Bradford

Petitions / Investigations: Chairman: W∴ Mark Angstrom

Members; J.D. Jesse Mercado, J.W. Nick Richard, J.S. Patrick Quirk, R∴H∴ Sal Musumeci, Errol Lamberson

Degree Ritual and Education: Chairman: R∴H∴ Sal Musumeci (CZAR)

Members; Benjamin Cohen, J.D. Jesse Mercado, S.D. Paul Jacob, J.W. Nick Richards Mentors: W∴ Mark Angstrom, W∴ Jay Obeid

Funeral Committee: Chairman: R∴W∴ Rex Bradford

Members; S.D. Paul Jacob J.D. Jesse Mercado, S.W. Rafael Nioac de Salles


From the East


I would like to congratulate the Master Mason Competition Team. They did a fantastic job, one of the best degrees I have seen in a while. This was the 1st time Boca Delray Lodge participated; hopefully, we will compete again next year.

On April 20th, Brother Hamza shared his knowledge about the Chamber of Reflection, it was outstanding, and very informative, and all the Brothers attending were very impressed, looking forward to having another presentation soon.

Thanks to all Brothers that attended our monthly Get Together last Saturday at Cinemark Bistro. This is to promote social activities outside the lodge. We had this monthly schedule on our last Saturday. Please let us know what other activities you would like to do.

Suppose you can try to attend the Master Mason Association monthly meeting on the 1st Monday. This month the Master Mason Association will be holding its next meeting on Monday, May 1, 2023. The meeting will be hosted by Palmwood Lodge No. 303 (845 Bradley Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33405); per usual, dinner will be served at 6:30 PM, with the meeting starting at 7:30 PM.

We will go over the Endowment fund's draft on our next 2 stated communications, May 4th and June 1st, I have included the draft at the bottom of this Trestleboard.

Also, we will be discussing the increase of our dues for next year, the last time the dues were increased was in 2015. Below is the new proposed amount is $100.00 to a total Dues of $236.00 + Per Capita + donations

On May 13th, there is a Fishing Event in Boynton Beach. Contact Brother Eric Figueroa for additional information at 917-544-8879.

W:. Angstrom will be presenting the Masonic Leadership Training Modules 1 - 5 on May 18 - 18:30 at Boca Delray Lodge. This class is open to EAs, FCs and MMs (see the full proposed calendar under upcoming events)

Lodge Officers' Duties (1) WM Duties (2) Planning Your Year (3) Becoming the Worshipful Master (4) Running Your Lodge (5)

I would like to keep requesting every brother, if you can, bring nonperishable foods to be donated to Boca Helping Hands.

Boca Delray Lodge is using Cash App to receive payments.

Try it using the code 8WGVHFS. The lodge will get $15, and you’ll get $5.

You can use this app to pay your dues. There is no fee for you or the lodge.

Let's promote our collation room. We use Giggster for renters unable to get liability insurance. If renters can provide insurance, please contact me directly. Also, the price is negotiable.

Please take a minute to review our Lodge Google.

This helps our visibility online and will improve our membership.

Check our linktree with the important links about our lodge and Freemasonry.

This has a summary of the important link about our fraternity.

Please see me if you want to add or make any suggestions.


W∴ M∴ Alexandre Ferrari

Boca-Delray No 171



From the West

My beloved Brethren:

I was thrilled to meet our Brothers at the monthly get-together at Cinemark Bistro. In April, we were able to get around 20 Brothers together. This monthly event is getting excellent acceptance from our Brothers. Thank you, W∴ Ferrari, for organizing it. If you still haven't attended, I recommend joining us on the last Saturday of May. Follow the events' dates and information on our website at

Talking about our website, it is being reconfigured, and it now has a new face. Brother Cohen is doing a fantastic job. Thank you, Brother Cohen. You can access our website here:

The Finance Committee had its fourth meeting on April 25, 2023, at 6 pm via Zoom. I will present the report at our meeting in May. If any brother has any questions about our finances, please do not hesitate to contact me.

A bit of Masonic education, I encourage my Brothers to read or re-read our Masonic Etiquette (click here GL208). Sharing the item about Ante-Room Etiquette:


As soon as a Brother enters a Masonic Hall to attend a Communication; he comes under the sway of Masonic Etiquette. If he is late he should not indulge in loud talking that may be heard in the Lodge and his demeanor toward other Brethren he may meet there should be courteous and respectful C there, no more than elsewhere, does Masonry give any man license to take personal liberties with another! This is especially true if any Candidates are present waiting their call to the Preparation Room; to give them the impression that vulgar conduct, levity, practical joking or other forms of disrespect are countenanced by the Craft is a misrepresentation of the Lodge and peculiarly a discourtesy to the Worshipful Master, who stands to all Candidates, among his many other functions, as a host in the name of his Lodge.

The Tyler has it especially in charge to see that the Ante-Room, his own particular quarters, observes the same decorum as all other precincts of the Temple; and while the principal purpose of his sword is to be a symbol of his duty to keep out Cowan's and eavesdroppers, it is scarcely a lesser meaning of it that he hold authority to maintain order at the doors, and to see that the portals are not profaned by disrespect. Moreover, the Tyler, if he rightly understands his own art, will see that the Ante-Room is kept clean and in order, the aprons neatly piled, books, newspapers and litter not left scattered about, a fitting place, in short, through which to make entrance into a Masonic Lodge.

No person is to be admitted into a Masonic Lodge unless by permission of the Worshipful Master. When a would-be visitor appears, it is the duty of the Tyler to notify the Worshipful Master of the presence of the visitor. The Worshipful Master may appoint a Committee to examine the visitor and report to the Master concerning the visitor's qualifications. If his documents are in order and if he has convinced the examining Committee that he is a Mason, then in all probability the Worshipful Master will grant him permission to enter.

If a Brother is late, he does not enter the Lodge until permission is obtained from the Master through the Tyler and the Junior Deacon for him to do so; before entering he should see that his Apron and other regalia are already properly in place. He should enter through the Outer Door only, and in a manner to attract as little attention, and to avoid as much confusion as possible.

If necessary, the Inner Door should he kept locked except when the preparation room is in use, to prevent Brethren entering and retiring through it, and this applies to Past Masters and Grand Lodge Officers as well as any other Brother. It is for use by Candidates only, and to permit it to be used otherwise is a disturbance or dislocation of the entire system of the ritual. It is the Tyler's duty to see that this rule is rigidly enforced."

Let's keep our Fraternity strong and increase our communication among Brothers. If you want to help or need anything, reach out!

I wish you all a fabulous March and hope to see you all in Lodge.


S.W. Rafael Nioac de Salles

Boca-Delray No 171



From the South

Greetings from the South Brethren!

I want to extend a big thank you to everyone who has come to the lodge and made these dinners that we do a success. We had a light turn out at the previous meeting. I believe there were around 25 in attendance. Hopefully everyone has some gas in their tank and is able to attend the next meeting. I'm looking forward to seeing you all. For anyone wondering what we will be serving on the 4th, I will be posting the menu for Thursday's dinner on Wednesday in the WhatsApp group.


J.W. Nick Richard

Boca-Delray No 171



From the Secretary

Secretaries Desk

Greetings Brethren. If any Brother paid his 2023 dues and has not received a membership card, please contact me. For those who have not remitted 2023 dues, it has been six months since the due’s notices were mailed out. Please make every effort to remit dues promptly.

Brethren, you probably figured out by now, I truly value Masonic Education and proper Masonic etiquette and protocols. This is what defines us as an elite organization and when we are lax in such, we might as well be in the category of a car club. As such, I wanted to discuss the value of having a mentor, a Brother who you feel could be your guiding light, teacher and source for information. A Brother who stands out amongst others, understands the inner meaning of Freemasonry and who will take you under his wing.

Let’s take a quick look at the benefits of being a mentor and a mentee and how both sides of the relationship can benefit.

The dictionary defines a mentor as a “trusted counselor or guide”. In both workplaces, academic or Lodge settings, a mentor connects with their mentees to provide support, guidance, advice and help in whatever capacity that they can. The mentorship relationship quickly becomes personal and can last for a short time or a lifetime. The relationship is aimed at helping another person achieve a goal or many goals. Even if the goal is not concrete, it could be to develop one’s confidence or self-awareness more, and a mentor can play a role in helping to do so.

When people think of the mentor-mentee relationship, it’s often the mentee who is thought to reap all the benefits. The fact of the matter is that it’s a symbiotic relationship, which means both sides benefits. Mentors get to feel a sense of satisfaction for the aid they provide to their mentees. They offer encouragement, and at the end of the day, they get to witness the success of another that they were a part of creating.

Since mentors, by definition, have more experience than their mentees, they look at the world from a different perspective. They also see situations differently than someone who is just getting started in that same place. As a result, mentors get a chance to have a refreshed and different point of view by working alongside a mentee unbiased and objective, which is a key leadership quality.

Through verbal and written communication, mentors speak and listen to their mentees. In turn, they get to strengthen their own communication skills with every interaction. This can benefit a mentor in their own personal and professional lives.

In any type of setting, things change. This means that what a mentor once delt ith in their own experience may be totally new to them when they see it through their mentee’s current view. So, the mentor always gets to learn about new ways of doing things and changes that have taken shape since the last time they were in the same situation. This can be an eye-opening experience for the mentor, just like it is for the mentee. The benefits of having a mentor are also far- reaching, which is why it’s something that so many people will seek in the academic and professional endeavors.

With a mentor a mentee gets to access advice and new perspectives; you gain immediate access to someone you can trust who has experience in the same realm you are trying to navigate. Even when you can access information online or from friends going through a similar experience, nothing comes close to the advice that a mentor, someone with experience who has learned from their own mistakes can share with you. This mentor can also help you build a network which can be the most valuable advantage he can offer.

A mentor can offer feedback. All feedback can make a mentee a better and more confident person or Brother who is capable of overcoming challenges and more easily becoming a leader or Lodge officer and ultimately in time a mentor to others as he has nurtured himself to be a respected member of the Fraternity.

When searching for a mentor, look for a person who has good listening skills, is honest, empathetic, encouraging, a positive role model and not a flamboyant person but one having modesty as a virtue. Having a mentor is like having a friendship but better understood in the actual relationship than explained. Whether you have a mentor, want to become a mento, or want to find a mentor, everyone involved in the experience will benefit from personal and oftentimes, professional growth.

I personally have had mentors longer than I can remember and interestingly so, they do not know that they are my mentors. I have admired their demeanor and discipline in Lodge, their ability to demand respect without seeking it out, their ability to judge fairly and to be very knowledgeable on Ritual, Degree work and the Masonic Digest. R:. W:. Bob Langford and R:. W:. Pieter VanGunst have been my teachers as well as the great French Philosopher, Voltaire. Voltaire, a Freemason, playwright and most importantly a critic of political and religious injustices and persecutions which targeted the common man; even in death he has taught and guided me through his many works. I hope that I have made all these Brothers proud.


R:.W:.. Mike Sinatra



District 25 Lodges

2nd & 4th Thursdays

2701 Quantum Blvd, Boynton Beach 6:30/7:30 pm

2nd & 4th Mondays

421 Jennings Ave., Greenacres 6:30/7:30 pm

1st & 3rd Tuesdays

9463 Roan LN., Palm Beach Gardens 6:30/7:30 pm

1st & 3rd Wednesdays

421 Jennings Ave., Greenacres 6:30/7:30 pm

2nd & 4th Mondays

1896 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd, West Palm Beach 6:30/7:30 pm

2nd & 4th Mondays

600 S. Loxahatchee Dr., Jupiter 6:30/7:30 pm

2nd & 4th Tuesdays

845 Bradley St., West Palm Beach 6:30/7:30 pm

1st & 3rd Thursdays

845 Bradley St., West Palm Beach 6:30/7:30 pm


Masonic Advancements

Awaiting Entered Apprentice Degree:

Garfield Heron, Louis Amoroso, Sadrac Francois

Entered Apprentices Awaiting Proficiency Examination:

Brothers; Peter Curcio , Hugo Neil Mendez, Jake Mulcahey

Awaiting Fellow Craft Degree:


Fellow Craft Awaiting Proficiency Examination:

Brothers; Laz Pena, Arken Radeef, Richard J. Ridky,

Awaiting Master Mason Degree:

Master Mason Awaiting Proficiency Examination:

Brothers; James Billingsley, Leo Netto, Jeff Cirminiello, Samuel Henry, Geoffrey Thiessen, Joseph Pellicane

Bible/Apron/WK Tools:





E.A. Transfer:

F.C. Transfer:

M.M. Transfers: Jeffrey Weber, Sam Berger



My Brothers,

In order to improve your Masonic knowledge, try taking Master Mason 1 2 3 exams On the Grand Lodge website. It’s an excellent method to learn to use the Masonic Digest and Mentors Manual. Just complete the three Master Mason Examinations, offered by the Grand Lodge. These examinations have proven very popular as they produce more

friendships, more knowledge of Florida masonry, better-informed Brothers, and an increase in Lodge attendance.

Also, they are MANDATORY for anyone sitting in the chair of Worshipful Master, Senior

Warden or Junior Warden.

Follow the instructions below:

2. Click on “Education”

3. Take Exams 1, 2 & 3

My Brothers,

I would like to invite you all to Open Books and Schools of Instruction this and every Saturday. Please join us for the education, brotherhood, and a gourmet breakfast!!!!

Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts are welcome with a RSVP from their Worshipful Master to me.

When: Every Saturday School of Instruction Open Books Every third Saturday

Time: 9:00 am – noon

Where: Harmonia Lodge: 1896 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.

Suite 200 West Palm Beach, FL 33409

Fraternally & Sincerely,

R:.H:. Sal Musumeci, DI

(954) 871-6018


Upcoming Events and News



Thursday May 18th, 6:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.* - I.

Hosted by Boca-Delray Lodge No. 171, F. & A. M.;

4093 NW 4th Ave.; Boca Raton, FL 33431

Saturday June10th, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.* - I.

Hosted by BYKOTA Lodge No. 333 and Gulf Stream Lodge No. 245, F. & A. M.;

421 Jennings Ave.; Greenacres, FL 33463

Saturday June 17th, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.* - II.

Hosted by BYKOTA Lodge No. 333 and Gulf Stream Lodge No. 245, F. & A. M.;

421 Jennings Ave.; Greenacres, FL 33463

Saturday July 1, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.* - III.

Hosted by BYKOTA Lodge No. 333 and Gulf Stream Lodge No. 245, F. & A. M.;

421 Jennings Ave.; Greenacres, FL 33463

Saturday July 29th, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.* - I.

Hosted by Palmwood Lodge No. 303.;

845 Bradley Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33405

Saturday September 9th, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.* - II.

Hosted by Garden Lodge No. 366, F. & A. M.;

9463 Roan Lane, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33403-1035

Saturday September 30th, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.* - III.

Hosted by Boynton Lodge No. 236, F. & A. M.;

2701 Quantum Blvd.; Boynton Beach, FL 33426

Saturday October 21st, 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. - I.

Hosted by Harmonia Lodge No. 138, F. & A. M.;

1896 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., Suite 200 Upper (Back)

Saturday October 28th, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.* II.

Hosted by Jupiter Light Lodge No. 340;

600 S. Loxahatchee Dr., Jupiter, FL 33458-5781

Saturday November 4th, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.* III.

Hosted by Lantana Lodge No. 372, F. & A. M.;

244 N. Congress Ave.; Boynton Beach, FL 33426

* 8:30 a. m. - 9:00 a. m. Donuts, Bagels, and Coffee

Masonic Leadership Training EA, FC, and MM

Location: Dining Hall (Banquet or Collation Room)

Workshop Schedule:

I. REGISTRATION 8:30 - 9:00 AM

9:00 - 10:30 Lodge Officers Duties (1) WM Duties (2)

10:30 - 11:00 Planning Your Year (3)

11:00 - 11:30 Becoming the Worshipful Master (4)

11:30 - 12:00 Running Your Lodge (5)

II. REGISTRATION 8:30 – 9:00 a.m.

9:00-10:30 Lodge Committees (6) & Petitions and

Investigations Committees (7)

10:30-11:00 Communications (8)

11:00 – 11:30 Finances and Budgets (9)

11:30 – 12:00 Membership (10)

III. REGISTRATION 8:30 – 9:00 a.m.

9:00-10:30 Lodge Renewal (11) & Ritual (12)

10:30- 11:00 Service (13)

11:00 – 11:30 Event Organization (14)

11:30 – 12:00 State Chairman Approved Program (15)

Special Note: You can only receive credit for up to 5 classes of MLT per class

For More Information contact:

W:. Mark Angstrom, PM Boca-Delray Lodge No. 171, F. & A. M., 25th Masonic District MLT

(561) 822-7498

R :. W :. Roy D. Strohacker, PM, PDDGM 25th Masonic District, MLT Zone Chairman

(561) 329-2261


Benefits for Boca Delray Lodge Members

We’re excited to offer your Working Advantage Discount Program, your one-stop shop for exclusive and convenient savings on the products, services, and experiences you know and love. It’s cost-free and easy to enroll. Just visit and use the company code BOCADELRAYLODGEFUN to begin receiving discounts on:



May Birthdays

Derik Brasher

Rafael Nioac de Salles

William Strucker

Domenick Garzone

Charles Wright

Richard Jones

Eilia Jahjah

Norman Fineman

Jeffery Winter

John Farill



There are twelve Masonic plays available from the Masonic Service Association

"A Rose Upon The Altar"

"The Greatest of These"

"He That Believeth"

"Greater Love Hath No Man"

"Judge Not!"

"The Hearts of the Fathers"

"To Entertain Strangers"

"A Gift in Secret"

"Treasures of Darkness"

"He Which is Accused"

"If A Man Die... "

"... And Not Forsake Them"


The Committee on Masonic Education of the Grand Lodge of lowa, which has the finest Masonic Library in America, founded in 1844, suggests as a reading course in Freemasonry the following books to be read in the sequence set forth:

1. The Builders. by Newton

2. Introduction to Freemasonry, by Haywood

3. Masonic Symbolism, by Hunt

4. The Newly Made Mason, by Haywood

5. More about Masonry, by Haywood

6. A History of Freemasonry, by Haywood and Craig

7. Symbolical Masonry, by Haywood

8. Introduction to Freemason, by Claudy

9. Short Talks on Masonry, by Newton

10. Freemasonry Before The Existence of Grand Lodges, by Vibert

11. The Old Guilds of England, by Armitage

12. The Story of the Craft, by Vibert

13. Short Readings of Masonic History, by Tatsch

14. Old Charges by British Freemasons, by Hughan

15. The Religion of Masonry, by Newton

16. Freemasonry and Roman Catholicism, by Haywood

17. Handbook for Lodge Officers, by Hunt

18. Famous Masons and Masonic Presidents, by Haywood

19. Famous Masons, by Bell

20. Benjamin Franklin As A Freemason, by Sachse

21. The Facts About George Washington as a Freemason, by Tatsch

22. Old Tiler Talks, by Claudy

23. The Great Teachings of Mason!, by Haywood

24. Freemasonry in the Thirteen Colonies, by Tatsch

25. An Introduction to Freemasonry, by Knoop and Jones

26. Symbolism of The Three Degrees, by Street

27. The Treasury of Masonic Thought, by Martin and Callaghan

28. These Men Were Masons, by Banner

29. The Lodge and the Craft, by Blackmer

30. The Scottish Mason and The Mason Word, by Knoop and Jones

31. The Genesis of Freemasonry, by Knoop and Jones

32. English-Speaking Freemasonry, by Robbins

33. The Beginnings of Freemasonry in America, by Johnson

34. The Religion of Freemasonry, by Whymper

35. Emblematic Freemasonry,-by Waite

36. Roman Catholicism and Freemasonry, by Wright

37. High-Ways and By-Ways of Freemasonry , by Lawrence

38. Sidelights on Freemasonry, by Lawrence

39. The Masonic Problem, by Gibson

40. The Evolution of Freemasonry?, by Darrah

41. Symbolism of Freemosonry, by Mackey

42. The Concise History of Freemasonry, by Gould

43. Speculative Masonry, by McBridge

44. Masonic Jurisprudence, by Lawrence

45. The Law and Custom of Freemasonry, by Edwards

46. Lectures on Masonic Jurisprudence, by Pound

47. Jurisprudence of Freemasonry , by Mackey

48. Lectures on the Philosophy of Freemasonry, by Pound

49. Masonry in the Formation of Our Government, by Roth

50. Negro Masonry in the U.S., by Voorhis

51. Freemasons' Guide and Compendium, by Jones

52. Masonic Quiz Book, by Peterson

53. Landmarks, by Hunt

54. Masonic Lodge Methods, by Blakemore

55. Well-Springs of American Freemasonry, by Haywood

56. Guide of Masonic Speech Making, by Edwards

57. George Washington, Freemason, by Brown

58. Annotated Reading List, by Haywood

59. Little Masonic Library, Twenty Titles in Five Volumes

60. Masonic Soldiers of Fortune, by Stuart


Masonic Regalia and Jewelry Wholesale Prices

Boca Delray Lodge is an Affiliate and the lodge will get 15% from all order place at the site, if you want to help the lodge, please use the link below.


Past Masters Boca Delray Lodge No 171

2022 - Anthony W. Denton

2021 - Anthony W. Denton

2020 - Harold W Ewing II

2019 - Salvatore Musumeci

2018 - Demetrios Kirkiles

2017 - Mark Angstrom

2016 - John Blalock

2015 - Scott Durgee

2014 - Rex Bradford

2013 - David G. Lund

2012 - Jay Obeid

2011 - John Ager

2010 - George Hervey *

2009 - Mike Sinatra

2008 - Robert Langford *

2007 - John Kemp

2006 - David M Haycock

2005 - David Lerner *

2004 - Christopher G. Gilbert

2003 - Brant C. Bayer

2002 - Mark Silberman

2001 - Steve A. Sagal *

2000 - Arthur Dubin

1999 - A. Ray Stewart *

1998 - David A. Allen

1997 - Israel Stavis *

* Deceased



  1. Modes of recognition

  2. Division of symbolic Masonry into three degrees

  3. Legend of the 3rd degree

  4. Government of the fraternity by a Grand Master

  5. Prerogative of the Grand Master to preside over every assembly of the Craft

  6. Prerogative of the Grand Master to grant dispensations for conferring the degrees at irregular times

  7. Prerogative of the Grand Master to give dispensations for opening and holding Lodges

  8. Prerogative of the Grand Master to make Masons at sight

  9. Necessity for Masons to congregate in Lodges

  10. Government of lodges by a Master and 2 Wardens

  11. Necessity of tiling lodges

  12. Right of every Mason to be represented in all general meetings of the Craft and instruct representatives

  13. Right of every Mason to appeal from his Lodge to the Grand Lodge or General Assembly of Masons

  14. Right of every Mason to visit and sit in every regular Lodge

  15. No unknown visitor can enter a Lodge without first passing an examination

  16. No Lodge can interfere in the business of another Lodge or give degrees to brethren of other Lodges

  17. Every Freemason is amenable to the laws and regulations of the Masonic jurisdiction in which he resides, even though he may not be a member of any Lodge

  18. Candidates for initiation must be men, unmutilated (not a cripple), free born, and of mature age

  19. Belief in the existence of God as the Great Architect of the universe

  20. Belief in a resurrection to a future life

  21. A "Book of the Law" is indispensable in every Lodge

  22. Equality of all Masons

  23. Secrecy of the institution

  24. Foundation of a speculative science upon an operative art, and symbolic use and explanations for the purpose of religious or moral teaching

  25. These landmarks can never be changed


The Grand Lodge of Florida developed this comprehensive course of study to instruct Brothers on the proper procedures and responsibilities of each Lodge Officer, and how to conduct the important business of their particular Lodge. Courses are presented by the District Chairman, and a certificate is issued upon successful completion of all 15


The Grand Lodge of Florida provides Master Mason Examinations to be open book type exams designed to give any Master Mason the opportunity to increase his knowledge of some of the Ancient Tenets, Rules, and Regulations of Masonry. They contain a mixture of multiple choice, True or False, or essay questions which should be answered on the answer sheet, as provided in the exam downloads.

The Grand Lodge of Florida encourages all members of the Craft to further their knowledge of Lodge operation, especially those concerning the Elected and Appointed

Officers of each particular Lodge. The Lodge Officers Training program was designed to educate and test your knowledge of Lodge procedures, business, penal code, and other areas. Let There Be Light


Appendant Bodies



Endowment Fund Draft

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