Stated Communications
1st & 3rd Thursday
Doors open at 6:30 pm
meeting starts at 7:30 pm
Jacket and Tie
4093 NW 4th Ave.
Boca Raton, FL 33431
(561) 501-0545
Lodge Officers
Worshipful Master: Anthony W. Denton 561-322-8492
Senior Warden: Alex Ferrari 954-934-7996
Junior Warden: Rafael Nioac de Salles 561-929-6499
Secretary: R:.W:. Michael P. Sinatra 561-613-8094
Musician: Scott Kaapke
Treasurer: W:. Howard S. Zimmerman
Chaplain: W∴Mark Angstrom
Marshal: Michael Strauss
Senior Deacon: Carlos Llovet
Junior Deacon: Paul Jacob
Senior Steward: Nick Richard
Junior Steward: Jesse Mercado
Tyler: Carlos Pulgar
Most Worshipful Grand Master
M∴W∴G∴M∴ Jeffrey S. Foster
District Deputy Grand Master
R∴W∴ Bill Paxton
District Instructor
R∴H∴ Salvatore Musumeci
Lodge Committees
Finance: Chairman; S.W. Alex Ferrari
Members; W∴ Anthony Denton, W∴ Howie Zimmerman
Property / Rental: Chairman; S.W. Alex Ferrari
Members; S.S. Nick Richard, J.S. Jesse Mercado, J.D. Paul Jacob
Public Relations / Social Media Communications: Chairman; W∴ Anthony Denton
Members; J.W. Rafael Salles, S.W. Alex Ferrari, J.D. Paul Jacob, S.S. Nick Richard
Board of Relief: Chairman; S.W. Alex Ferrari
Members; R∴W∴ Michael Sinatra, W∴ Anthony Denton
Charity: Chairman; J.W. Rafael Salles
Members; Tyler, Carlos Pulgar, J.D Paul Jacob
Visitor Examination: Chairman; S.D. Carlos Llovet
Members: Treasurer W∴ Howard Zimmerman, S.S. Nick Richard
Vigilance: Chairman; J.W. Rafael Salles
Members; R:.W:. Michael Sinatra, W∴ Anthony Denton
Petitions / Investigations: Chairman; S.W. Alex Ferrari
Members; S.S. Nick Richard, W∴ Mark Angstrom, S.D. Carlos Llovet, Tyler, Carlos Pulgar
Degree Ritual and Education: Chairman; R∴H∴ Sal Musumeci
Members; R∴H∴ Bob Pastor, S.S. Nick Richard
Funeral Committee: Chairman; R∴W∴ Rex Bradford
Members; S.W. Alex Ferrari, S.S. Nick Richard, J.W. Rafael Salles
From the East
Brethren, I hope you are all well and that these words reach you in good spirits. As we move into March and the virus has seemed to subside, we will lessen the Mask mandate while inside the Lodge. If you are fully vaccinated and feel computable not wearing one, then you may proceed. If you feel you would be more comfortable wearing a mask for now, then please wear a mask. If you are showing signs of any kind, be it fever, coughing etc. then please refrain from coming to the Lodge until you are symptom free.
The final vote to sell the partial of land to the Torah Academy is on hold and will NOT take place on March 3rd. There was a ten week delay in getting the land surveyed, which is needed in order to have the cities approval for the breaking out of the partial of land. The Torah Academy has a verbal ok from the city, so now we need to get that in writing by the city. This will protect our Lodge and any other future owners of the remaining property, and guarantee that we or they will have no issues from the city to continue to do business. Stay tuned for further updates on this issue.
On Monday, March 14th we will have a called communication in order to have a Master Mason Degree. Boca-Delray’s Degree team will be performing the 1st part and R∴W ∴Rob Estel has put a team together to perform the 2nd part. Dinner will be at 6:30 and the Degree will be at 7:30. Please join us and supporting our Brothers as they are raised to the Sublime Degree.
On March 26th we will be joining our Brothers at Boynton Lodge No. 236 for lunch and some fun competition of corn hole. This is will be a great opportunity for both Lodges to straighten our relationships and to enjoy some Brotherly love. This will be open to all Masons from any Lodge including FC & EA’s, even potential candidates will be welcome. I would ask that if any Brothers can assist the Boynton Brothers in setting up the lunch, please be there at 11:00am. The event starts at 12:00 noon. Boynton Lodge is located at 2701 Quantum Blvd. Boynton Beach FL, 33426
W∴ Anthony W. Denton
From the West
Greeting Brethren,
I would like to thank the brother from the investigative committee, for helping with the Open House weekly on Tuesdays. Due to the increased number of requests about becoming Freemason, we have created a weekly open house on Tuesday from 5pm to 6pm. See the proposed agenda from Grand Lodge.
Grand Lodge Marketing Reimbursement Program (GLMRP)
Open House Proposed Agenda
The purpose of the open house is to provide a set day weekly that you can attempt to schedule prospective candidates to come in and meet with two brothers of the Lodge. They would ideally be pre-qualified that they meet the basic requirements to join Freemasonry prior to attending an open house. It is always good to find a casual place to sit and talk with the candidate. We also recommend offering at least a beverage for all the candidates that attend.
1. Introductions
It’s best to introduce the two brothers first and then ask the candidates to introduce themselves and tell you a little bit about themselves. Follow up with questions to get to know them better by asking about their family, their job, and their interests.
2. Why Masonry
Inquire what they know about Freemasonry. Do they have family that are Masons? What do they hope to get out of Freemasonry?
3. Explain Freemasonry
After asking what they know it’s best to give a brief description of what Freemasonry actually is. Explain to the candidates that Freemasonry is the oldest Fraternity in the world and is a system of morality that provides tools to men to use them to work on themselves personally. We like to go into details about the esoteric elements, the theatrical elements, and also the everyday business elements of Freemasonry that they can expect to experience if they join. It’s best at this point to explain that Politics and Religion are prohibited inside the lodge and why. It’s also best to explain that Freemasonry is not a religion and in no way will inhibit their participation in the church/synagogue/etc of their choice.
4. Explain time commitments of Freemasonry.
We find it best to explain that a man going through the process of obtaining the three degrees will need to dedicate at least an hour to two hours per week to meet with their instructor and mentor to work through the degrees. We also like to explain that they can attend dinners, lodge functions, etc as they work through the degrees.
5. Explain the petition process
It’s best to explain the lengthy and complicated process of petitioning the lodge in enough detail that they know what to expect if they do petition the lodge. Explain the required documents and money to petition, the first reading, the investigating committee, the second ballot, and eventual scheduling of the EA degree.
6. Show them the Lodge
It’s always best to end with a walkthrough of the Lodge. Candidates are always eager to see the Lodge room and all the symbolism in it. They may have questions about what they see. Answer as much as you are able to.
7. Ask if they would like a petition
Provide them with a petition and walk them through how to fill it out and get it back to you and when you will next be able to read it at your next Stated Communication.
For those concerned about the west gate, it will be a great opportunity for you to participate on the investigation committee and make sure we are growing the fraternity with good men.
Please check our website or use linktree on your mobile for easy access to our links, let me know if you have any questions.
S.W. Alex Ferrari
From the South
"Greetings from the South, Brethren!
I hope you are enjoying our dinners and new catering company. By coincidence, Ms. Lari (catering) is from a family of Freemasons in Brazil. Her dad, brothers, and uncle are Freemasons. Ms. Lari is the owner of BeHealthy and provides us with affordable, good quality, healthy food. Please, let me know if you have any comments or suggestions. I ask you to join me to pray for peace. It is sad to see the conflict in Ukraine, and I pray for our Brothers, their families, and all the people affected by this conflict. Let's also send prayers to all Brothers in need and keep them and their families in our thoughts. Hope to see you soon. Love you all!
J.W. Rafael Salles
From the Secretary
Greetings Brethren, I trust that you and your families have been well.
On March 17th, our second meeting of the month, our District Deputy Grand Master, R:.W:. Bill Paxton will visit the lodge representing our Grand Master. Having a large turnout is always impressive and lends the lodge many accolades, please try to share this experience.
Congratulations to our newly Raised Brother, Jesse Mercado, who has been appointed Junior Steward. He’s off to a good start as a lodge officer, good luck Brother and many successful years as a Mason.
I thank all Brothers who have remitted their 2022 dues on a timely manner. For those who still need to pay dues please do so soon as the lodge operates on those funds. If you would like to pay via PayPal kindly email Brother Salles and he will email you an invoice For some of our newer Masons, you may be interested in learning about Perpetual Membership and its benefits. If you would like more info email me at
The Valley of Lake Worth Scottish Rite is dedicating it’s 200th Reunion and Convocation in honor of Illustrious Brother Jim Kerby 33rd Degree Grand Cross. Brethren, the Grand Cross honor is presented to 33rd Degree Masons who have exemplified the “ideas and principles of Freemasonry, have lived their lives dedicated to Brotherly Love, the Craft an being an emissary for Masonry”. It is not an honor that ones can see often. He is the finest Mason I have ever known and is a mentor and teacher to not only me but many. Interesting thing is that he doesn’t know it, it just has been Brother Kerby’s nature to shed that light on others. I was honored in November 2003 when I was invested with the 33 Degree having Brother Kerby present me with my 33rd Degree ring and place it on my finger which I have never taken off.
For those of you who are Scottish Rite Masons it would be a memorable Reunion. Please attend and make a reservation for breakfast and or lunch, no reservation to attend the Reunion though. For those who are not Scottish Rite Masons you may want to give it thought on receiving the Degrees. Don’t get nervous – there is no memorizing and proficiencies involved.
Contact Ill. Brother Roy Strohacker, General Secretary for reservations or directions (no reservations need to attend meeting just for breakfast and lunch) 561-582-6794 or
Saturday March 5th and Sunday March 6th 8am to 4pm
Bykota Lodge No. 333 421 Jennings Ave. Greenacres, FL
R∴W∴ Mike Sinatra
District 25 Lodges
Boynton Lodge No 236
2nd & 4th Thursdays
2701 Quantum Blvd, Boynton Beach 6:30/7:30 pm
Bykota Lodge No 333
2nd & 4th Mondays
421 Jennings Ave. , Greenacres 6:30/7:30 pm
Gardens Lodge No 366
1st & 3rd Tuesdays
9463 Roan LN., Palm Beach Gardens 6:30/7:30pm
Gulf Stream Lodge No 245
1st & 3rd Wednesdays
421 Jennings Ave. , Greenacres 6:30/7:30 pm
Harmonia Lodge No 138
2nd & 4th Mondays
1896 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd, West Palm Beach 6:30/7:30 pm
Jupiter Light Lodge No 340
2nd & 4th Mondays
600 S. Loxahatchee Dr. , Jupiter 6:30/7:30 pm
Lantana Lodge No 372
2nd & 4th Tuesdays
845 Bradley St. , West Palm Beach 6:30/7:30 pm
Palmwood Lodge No 303
1st & 3rd Thursdays
845 Bradley St. , West Palm Beach 6:30/7:30 pm
Masonic Advancements
Awaiting Entered Apprentice Degree:
Entered Apprentices Awaiting Proficiency Examination:
Brothers; Anthony Barone, Thomas Coate, Chris Hamdar, Nicolai Luther, Steven Palsen
Awaiting Fellow Craft Degree:
Fellow Craft Awaiting Proficiency Examination: Brothers; Dominic Guardino, Eric Figueroa, Paul Gold, Shaun Demetrios, Patric Quirk, Geoffrey Thiessen, Jonathan Zitt
Fellow Craft Awaiting Proficiency Examination:
Awaiting Master Mason Degree:
Brothers; Brothers Mark Dela Rosa, Derik Brasher
Master Mason Awaiting Proficiency Examination:
Brothers: Samuel Henry, James Billingsly, Jeffrey Cirminiello, Jesse Mercado, Leo Netto
Awaiting Dual, Plural, Transfer or Reinstatement:
E.A. Transfer; F.C. Transfer; MM Transfers:
Petitions: 2
Upcoming Events and News
March 3rd: Stated Communication, Final Vote to sale partial of land to the Torah Academy is on hold and will NOT take place in March. A future date will be announced once we have reached the point for a vote. More information to come via email and discussed in Lodge
March 14th: Called Communication: Master Mason Degree
March 17th: Stated Communication: DDGM Official Visit
March 26th: Building Bridges Lunch and Corn Hole event at Boynton Lodge. Event starts at 12:00 Noon
The Meaning of Freemasonry
Masonic Leadership Training
The Grand Lodge of Florida developed this comprehensive course of study to instruct Brothers on the proper procedures and responsibilities of each Lodge Officers, and how to conduct the important business of their particular Lodge. Courses are presented by the District Chairman, and a certificate is issued upon successful completion of all 15
Master Mason Exams
The Grand Lodge of Florida provides Master Mason Examinations to be open book type exams, designed to give any Master Mason the opportunity to increase his knowledge of some of the Ancient Tenets, Rules and Regulations of Masonry. They contain a mixture of multiple choice, True or False, or essay questions which should be answered on the answer sheet, as provided in the exam downloads.
Lodge Officer Training
The Grand Lodge of Florida encourages all members of the Craft to further their knowledge of Lodge operation, especially those concerning the Elected and Appointed
Officers of each particular Lodge. The Lodge Officers Training program was designed to educate and test your knowledge of Lodge procedures, business, penal code, and other areas. Let There Be Light