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December 2024



1st Thursday (Stated)

3rd Thursday (Called)

***Dinner at 6:30 pm***

***Meeting starts at 7:30 pm***

Jacket and Tie (summer dressing ended)

4093 NW 4th Ave.

Boca Raton, FL 33431

(561) 501-0545


Mailing Address

Boca Delray Lodge 171

PO BOX 811113

Boca Raton FL 33481-1113



Lodge Secretary

R∴W∴ Michael P. Sinatra - (561) 613-8094




Lodge Officers

Worshipful Master:

Rafael Nioac de Salles

(561) 929-6499

Senior Warden:

Nick Richard

(561) 699-5583

Junior Warden:

Eric Figueroa

(917) 544-8879


R∴W∴ Michael P. Sinatra

(561) 613-8094


W∴ Anthony Denton

(561) 322-8492


W∴ Howard Zimmerman

(561) 512-5143


Paul Goldstein

(561) 271-6138‬

Senior Deacon:

Derik Brasher

(832) 835-4900‬

Junior Deacon:

Jesse Mercado

(954) 422-3999‬

Senior Steward:

Giuseppe Garufi

(954) 682-2584

Junior Steward:

Garfield Heron

(954) 871-6341


Benjamin Cohen

(561) 376-6596

Most Worshipful Grand Master

M∴W∴G∴M∴ Donald W. Cowart

District Deputy Grand Master

R∴W∴ Ramon M. Voils - (561) 797-5133

District Instructor

R∴H∴ Roy D. Strohacker - (561) 329-2261

Lodge Secretary

R∴W∴ Michael P. Sinatra - (561) 613-8094


Lodge Committees

Finance: Chairman: S.W. Nick Richard

Members: R∴W∴ Rex Bradford, R∴ H∴ Sal Musumeci, W∴ Anthony Denton, Brother Shelly Pittleman

Property / Rental: Chairman: J.W. Eric Figueroa

Members: R∴W∴ Rex Bradford, W∴ Anthony Denton

Public Relations / Social Media Communications: Chairman: W∴ Alexandre Ferrari

Members: W∴M∴ Rafael Nioac de Salles, Brother Benjamin Cohen, W∴ Howard Zimmerman

Board of Relief: Chairman: W∴ M∴ Rafael Nioac de Salles

Members: S.W. Nick Richard, J.W. Eric Figueroa

Charity: Chairman: S.W. Nick Richard

Members: Brother Giuseppe Garufi, W∴M∴ Rafael Nioac de Salles, Brother Shelly Pittleman

Visitor Examination: Chairman: S.D. Derik Brasher

Members: Chaplain W∴ Howard Zimmerman, J.D. Jesse Mercado

Vigilance: Chairman: J.W. Eric Figueroa

Members: R∴W∴ Rex Bradford, R∴H∴ Salvatore Musumeci, W ∴Alexandre Ferrari

Petitions / Investigations: Chairman: W∴ Mark Angstrom

Members: J.D. Jesse Mercado, S.W. Nick Richard, S.S. Patrick Quirk, R∴H∴ Sal Musumeci, Errol Lamberson

Degree Ritual and Education: Chairman: R∴H∴ Sal Musumeci

Members: Brother Benjamin Cohen, J.W. Eric Figueroa, S.W. Nick Richards Mentor: W∴ Mark Angstrom

Funeral Committee: Chairman: R∴W∴ Rex Bradford

Members: S.D. Eric Figueroa, W∴ Mark Angstrom, W∴M∴ Rafael Nioac de Salles

Parking/Portico/Library: Chairman: W∴M∴ Rafael Nioac de Salles

Members: W∴ Anthony Denton, R∴H∴ Salvatore Musumeci, W∴ Alexandre Ferrari

Endowment Fund: Appointed Members

1 Year (2024): Sam Goldstein, Paul Goldstein

2 Years (2024 - 2025): W∴Mark Angstrom, W∴ Anthony Denton (chairman)

3 Years (2024 - 2026): R∴ W∴ Rex Bradford, R∴H∴ Salvatore Musumeci


From the East

My Esteemed Brethren of Boca Delray Lodge No. 171,

As I write my final message as Worshipful Master, I am filled with pride and gratitude for the incredible journey we have shared this year. Together, we have navigated challenges, celebrated accomplishments, and strengthened the bonds that make our Lodge a beacon of Freemasonry.

I want to acknowledge and thank my officers and the many Brothers who stepped up and worked tirelessly for the betterment of our Lodge. Special thanks to our Secretary, R∴W∴ Mike Sinatra; W∴ Ferrari; W∴ Denton; W∴ Angstrom; Brother SW Nick Richard; Brother JW Eric Figueroa; Brother Director of Degrees/Education Ben Cohen; and W∴ Howard Zimmerman, our Chaplain, whose wisdom and reflections have inspired us throughout the year. Your dedication, leadership, and commitment to excellence have been the cornerstone of our success this year. Serving alongside such a remarkable team has been an honor, and I am confident that our Lodge is on the right path under this outstanding leadership.

Looking ahead, we have several important events to close out the year:

  • December 4th: Boca Raton Parade – Let’s show our community the strength and unity of our Lodge.

  • December 9th: End of the Year Dinner at Maggiano’s – If you haven’t RSVP’d, please do so immediately. As of this writing, only 7 spots (possibly 5) remain. Let’s come together to celebrate a fantastic year with Brothers, family, and friends.

  • January 2nd: 2025 Officers' Installation (to be confirmed).

Our first meeting in December, on December 5th, will be our Lodge elections. This is a crucial time as we prepare to elect our officers for 2025. Please attend and support our Lodge as we look to the future with strength and unity.

Reflecting on this year, I want to express my deep gratitude to every Brother who has supported me and contributed to the vibrant environment we enjoy during our dinners and meetings. While the year began with challenges, including behavior issues that required significant time and energy to resolve, I am proud to say that we have recovered our harmony and can now share meaningful and enjoyable moments together.

Highlights from Our Officers:

  • From the West: Brother Nick Richard reminds us of the importance of Masonic Etiquette, particularly addressing the Worshipful Master during meetings. His emphasis on proper decorum enhances the respect and order we hold sacred in our Lodge.

  • From the South: Brother Eric Figueroa provides a vivid description of the Holy of Holies, offering us deeper insight into the sacred symbolism we mention during our Lodge openings. His reflections inspire awe and reverence for our Masonic traditions.

  • From the Secretary: R∴W∴ Mike Sinatra updates us on the progress of dues collection and highlights the importance of supporting the Lodge’s financial health. He also encourages contributions to the toy drive for children in need and emphasizes the importance of keeping membership information updated.

  • Chaplain’s Corner: W∴ Howard Zimmerman shares a heartfelt reflection on gratitude and the blessings of life. His messages throughout the year have reminded us of the profound beauty in our shared Masonic journey, and we are grateful for his service as Chaplain.

Thank you, Brethren, for allowing me to serve as your Worshipful Master. It has been an honor and privilege to lead such a remarkable group of men, dedicated to the principles and values of Freemasonry. I look forward to continuing to work together in the coming years as we build upon our shared success.

Note: to donate to the Toy Drive for Children's Christmas, use the payment methods below and mention Toy Drive:

1. By mailing a check to the address P.O. BOX 811113, Boca Raton, FL 33481-1113,

2. By CashApp to $BocaDelrayLodge171 or using the link$BocaDelrayLodge171

3. By Zelle to our Lodge email  (preferable)

Fraternally and sincerely,

Rafael Nioac de Salles

Worshipful Master

Boca-Delray Lodge No. 171

F. & A.M.


Important links:

  1. Lodge information:

  2. Charities: charities we support

  3. Review our Lodge: Your positive reviews and ratings will greatly enhance our online visibility and ultimately contribute to the growth of our membership.


From the West

Greetings From the West Brethren!

Brethren, I hope all of you had a happy thanksgiving as well as a great start to your holiday season. I don't have much to say other than a little Masonic education.

I encourage my Brothers to read or re-read our Masonic Etiquette (click here GL208). As an example, in the last meeting, we discussed the proper way to address the W∴ M∴. According to the Masonic Etiquette:

"Addressing the Chair: The rules of order in Freemasonry do not permit side discussions, during a Communication, among members. The member who has anything to say to the Lodge, whether it be to enter a discussion or to make or second a motion, must rise to his feet, wait to be recognized by and then address the Worshipful Master."


Nick Richard Senior Warden

Boca-Delray Lodge No. 171

F. & A.M.


From the South

Greetings from the South Brethren!

The Holy of Holies

The Most Holy Place, the most sacred portion of this divinely appointed structure, was surrounded on three sides by highly polished walls of pure gold. The “Veil” of fine twined linen in blue, purple, and scarlet, richly embroidered with figures of cherubim in gold, hanging from the top of four pillars of shittim wood overlaid with pure gold and resting in sockets of silver, defined the eastern and only entrance. Overall, this magnificent foursquare, resplendent place hung the beautiful blue, purple, and scarlet curtain, richly embroidered with golden cherubim. The reflection of these brilliant hues and of the cherubim upon the walls of polished gold must’ve produced a weird, startling, awe-inspiring, and overpowering effect upon all those who were ordained to enter this most sacred place. Within this enclosure there’s was but one article of furniture and it’s contents...The Ark of the Covenant contains the Testimony.

During every Lodge opening, the Holy of Holies is mentioned by our Brother Senior Warden. Hopefully this description can help you imagine how remarkable a place it was.

We are approaching the end of the year my Brothers and it has been a privilege for myself and Stewards to serve you. See you at the next meeting. God Bless.

Eric Figueroa

Junior Warden

Boca-Delray Lodge No. 171

F. & A.M.


From the Secretary

Fraternal greetings, Brethren.

Hurricane season is over, thank goodness. As we approach the year’s end and the start of the Holidays, I wish you and your families a wonderful, healthy, happy season. I hope that you had the opportunity of donating unwrapped toys or cash donations so that R:.W:. Strohacker and team can distribute to children in need. If you haven’t contributed, you still have time to donate to this cause. Please do so.

I must say that I tried my very best and went way over and above in getting those who have not paid their 2024 dues to remit payment and remain in good standing. Several emails, letters, and phone calls were made; I cannot understand the lack of extending simple courtesy and respect by not emailing me and letting me know that you have no intention of paying your dues. I am more concerned that you will be dropped than you are. Of course, I will still try one more time. At the first meeting in December, all names will be read for those who have not paid, and a vote will be taken to drop them on December 27th as an NPD member (non-payment of dues).

If a Brother is an NPD, he cannot simply decide to pay his dues in the future and be reinstated. He first must pay and submit to a felony background check, then fill out a reinstatement petition, be investigated by three Brothers, and lastly, be balloted again. Please, Brother, think this over.

Lastly, and sadly, it may be time for some of these Brothers to be dropped. Every year, many of the same Brothers have to be reminded and encouraged to pay. Year after year, the same scenario. But I am sure a majority of them will come back one day.

Please, remember to inform the secretary when you change your address, phone number and email address.

Fraternally & Sincerely,

R∴W∴ Mike Sinatra


Boca-Delray Lodge No. 171

F. & A.M.


Chaplain's Corner

Greetings Brethren!

The holiday season is upon us. Thanksgiving is in our rearview mirror, with Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, and New Year's on the horizon. Millions of people have had birthdays and anniversaries of all sorts.

The people of the Jewish faith have a traditional blessing called the Shehecheyanu, “she-heche-ya-nu.” The “ch” is a guttural sound, as if something is caught in your throat. It’s one of gratitude for “enabling us to reach this day in our lives.” For many people, every Friday evening welcomes the holiest day of the week and year, the Sabbath. What can be more festive than waking up each morning, with aching muscles and joints, too few hours of sleep, family and financial worries, gummy lips and any other symptom…but we’re alive…ALIVE, to reach this day.

It is a blessing recited at the start of every festival, holiday, and special occasion. Every time you do something you have not done in a while, like eating the first fruit of the garden, wearing new clothes, or even when you meet a friend you have not seen in a month or more. It basically means that we are blessed to have been given life. It looks back at our blessing and also forwards us as we enjoy that blessing. Life is full of burdens, but holidays are special reminders to pay attention. Even amongst life’s burdens, even as workmen tore their bodies, broke their bones, and burned their eyes with sweat building the Temple under Solomon’s eyes, we should look up often from our burdens and woes and look around at the joys of being alive.

This is my last message of 2024 as a Chaplain. Me, a chaplain! With help, I have written a year's worth of messages, which I hope were as inspiring to read as they were to write. Somehow, the Great Architect twisted my tired body and worried soul into a way to declare and share the beauty to be found if we only look around with love and care. Getting back to the meaning of the upcoming holidays when we wave to a stranger or a friend who we have yet to meet, the snowflake on the fir needle, the cool water on the tongue, the voice of the checkout clerk, or the smell of food to nourish our lives.

May the GAOTU continue to watch over all those in need, especially those who cannot be home to celebrate the holidays with their loved ones. She-heche-ya-nu!

Greetings my brethren.

W∴ Howard Zimmerman


Boca-Delray Lodge No. 171

F. & A.M.


District 25 Lodges

2nd & 4th Thursdays

2701 Quantum Blvd, Boynton Beach, 6:30/7:30 pm

2nd & 4th Mondays

421 Jennings Ave., Greenacres 6:30/7:30 pm

1st & 3rd Tuesdays

9463 Roan LN., Palm Beach Gardens 6:30/7:30 pm

1st & 3rd Wednesdays

421 Jennings Ave., Greenacres 6:30/7:30 pm

2nd & 4th Mondays

1896 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd, West Palm Beach 6:30/7:30 pm

2nd & 4th Mondays

600 S. Loxahatchee Dr., Jupiter 6:30/7:30 pm

2nd & 4th Tuesdays

845 Bradley St., West Palm Beach 6:30/7:30 pm

1st & 3rd Thursdays

845 Bradley St., West Palm Beach 6:30/7:30 pm


Masonic Advancements

Petitions Received:

Homer Chiang

Entered Apprentices Awaiting Proficiency Examination:

Brothers: Lawrence Dorce, Louis Amoroso, Sadrac Francois.

Awaiting Fellow Craft Degree:

Brothers: Daniel Duarte Quintal Garces, Domingo Alexander Duran, Franckerson Myrtil, Rob Kahane, Kobe Kirschner, Michael Alessandri

Fellow Craft Awaiting Proficiency Examination:


Awaiting Master Mason Degree:


Master Mason Awaiting Proficiency Examination:

Brothers: James Billingsley, Leo Netto, Jeff Cirminiello, Samuel Henry, Geoffrey Thiessen.

Bible/Apron/WK Tools: Brothers Jake Mulcahey, Hugo Mendez, Marco Liberato.


Dual: Brothers:

Plural: Brothers:

Reinstatement: Brothers:

E.A. Transfer: Brothers:

F.C. Transfer: Brothers:

M.M. Transfers: Brothers:

Petitions: Candidate


Upcoming Events and News


Birthdays of the Month








































Masonic Home


Benefits for Boca Delray Lodge Members

We’re excited to offer your Working Advantage Discount Program, your one-stop shop for exclusive and convenient savings on the products, services, and experiences you know and love. It’s cost-free and easy to enroll. Just visit and use the company code BOCADELRAYLODGEFUN to begin receiving discounts on:




There are twelve Masonic plays available from the Masonic Service Association

"A Rose Upon The Altar"

"The Greatest of These"

"He That Believeth"

"Greater Love Hath No Man"

"Judge Not!"

"The Hearts of the Fathers"

"To Entertain Strangers"

"A Gift in Secret"

"Treasures of Darkness"

"He Which is Accused"

"If A Man Die... "

"... And Not Forsake Them"


The Committee on Masonic Education of the Grand Lodge of lowa, which has the finest Masonic Library in America, founded in 1844, suggests as a reading course in Freemasonry the following books to be read in the sequence set forth:

1. The Builders. by Newton

2. Introduction to Freemasonry, by Haywood

3. Masonic Symbolism, by Hunt

4. The Newly Made Mason, by Haywood

5. More about Masonry, by Haywood

6. A History of Freemasonry, by Haywood and Craig

7. Symbolical Masonry, by Haywood

8. Introduction to Freemason, by Claudy

9. Short Talks on Masonry, by Newton

10. Freemasonry Before The Existence of Grand Lodges, by Vibert

11. The Old Guilds of England, by Armitage

12. The Story of the Craft, by Vibert

13. Short Readings of Masonic History, by Tatsch

14. Old Charges by British Freemasons, by Hughan

15. The Religion of Masonry, by Newton

16. Freemasonry and Roman Catholicism, by Haywood

17. Handbook for Lodge Officers, by Hunt

18. Famous Masons and Masonic Presidents, by Haywood

19. Famous Masons, by Bell

20. Benjamin Franklin As A Freemason, by Sachse

21. The Facts About George Washington as a Freemason, by Tatsch

22. Old Tiler Talks, by Claudy

23. The Great Teachings of Mason!, by Haywood

24. Freemasonry in the Thirteen Colonies, by Tatsch

25. An Introduction to Freemasonry, by Knoop and Jones

26. Symbolism of The Three Degrees, by Street

27. The Treasury of Masonic Thought, by Martin and Callaghan

28. These Men Were Masons, by Banner

29. The Lodge and the Craft, by Blackmer

30. The Scottish Mason and The Mason Word, by Knoop and Jones

31. The Genesis of Freemasonry, by Knoop and Jones

32. English-Speaking Freemasonry, by Robbins

33. The Beginnings of Freemasonry in America, by Johnson

34. The Religion of Freemasonry, by Whymper

35. Emblematic Freemasonry,-by Waite

36. Roman Catholicism and Freemasonry, by Wright

37. High-Ways and By-Ways of Freemasonry , by Lawrence

38. Sidelights on Freemasonry, by Lawrence

39. The Masonic Problem, by Gibson

40. The Evolution of Freemasonry?, by Darrah

41. Symbolism of Freemosonry, by Mackey

42. The Concise History of Freemasonry, by Gould

43. Speculative Masonry, by McBridge

44. Masonic Jurisprudence, by Lawrence

45. The Law and Custom of Freemasonry, by Edwards

46. Lectures on Masonic Jurisprudence, by Pound

47. Jurisprudence of Freemasonry , by Mackey

48. Lectures on the Philosophy of Freemasonry, by Pound

49. Masonry in the Formation of Our Government, by Roth

50. Negro Masonry in the U.S., by Voorhis

51. Freemasons' Guide and Compendium, by Jones

52. Masonic Quiz Book, by Peterson

53. Landmarks, by Hunt

54. Masonic Lodge Methods, by Blakemore

55. Well-Springs of American Freemasonry, by Haywood

56. Guide of Masonic Speech Making, by Edwards

57. George Washington, Freemason, by Brown

58. Annotated Reading List, by Haywood

59. Little Masonic Library, Twenty Titles in Five Volumes

60. Masonic Soldiers of Fortune, by Stuart


Masonic Regalia and Jewelry Wholesale Prices

Boca Delray Lodge is an Affiliate and the lodge will get 15% from all order place at the site, if you want to help the lodge, please use the link below.


Past Masters of Boca Delray Lodge No. 171

2024 - Rafael Nioac de Salles

2023 - Alexandre C. Ferrari

2022 - Anthony W. Denton

2021 - Anthony W. Denton

2020 - Harold W Ewing II

2019 - Salvatore Musumeci

2018 - Demetrios Kirkiles

2017 - Mark Angstrom

2016 - John Blalock

2015 - Scott Durgee

2014 - Rex Bradford

2013 - David G. Lund

2012 - Jay Obeid

2011 - John Ager

2010 - George Hervey *

2009 - Mike Sinatra

2008 - Robert Langford *

2007 - John Kemp

2006 - David M Haycock

2005 - David Lerner *

2004 - Christopher G. Gilbert

2003 - Brant C. Bayer

2002 - Mark Silberman

2001 - Steve A. Sagal *

2000 - Arthur Dubin

1999 - A. Ray Stewart *

1998 - David A. Allen

1997 - Israel Stavis *

* Deceased



  1. Modes of recognition

  2. Division of symbolic Masonry into three degrees

  3. Legend of the 3rd degree

  4. Government of the fraternity by a Grand Master

  5. Prerogative of the Grand Master to preside over every assembly of the Craft

  6. Prerogative of the Grand Master to grant dispensations for conferring the degrees at irregular times

  7. Prerogative of the Grand Master to give dispensations for opening and holding Lodges

  8. Prerogative of the Grand Master to make Masons at sight

  9. Necessity for Masons to congregate in Lodges

  10. Government of lodges by a Master and 2 Wardens

  11. Necessity of tyling lodges

  12. Right of every Mason to be represented in all general meetings of the Craft and instruct representatives

  13. Right of every Mason to appeal from his Lodge to the Grand Lodge or General Assembly of Masons

  14. Right of every Mason to visit and sit in every regular Lodge

  15. No unknown visitor can enter a Lodge without first passing an examination

  16. No Lodge can interfere in the business of another Lodge or give degrees to brethren of other Lodges

  17. Every Freemason is amenable to the laws and regulations of the Masonic jurisdiction in which he resides, even though he may not be a member of any Lodge

  18. Candidates for initiation must be men, unmutilated (not a cripple), free born, and of mature age

  19. Belief in the existence of God as the Great Architect of the universe

  20. Belief in a resurrection to a future life

  21. A "Book of the Law" is indispensable in every Lodge

  22. Equality of all Masons

  23. Secrecy of the institution

  24. Foundation of a speculative science upon an operative art, and symbolic use and explanations for the purpose of religious or moral teaching

  25. These landmarks can never be changed


The Grand Lodge of Florida developed this comprehensive course of study to instruct Brothers on the proper procedures and responsibilities of each Lodge Officer, and how to conduct the important business of their particular Lodge. Courses are presented by the District Chairman, and a certificate is issued upon successful completion of all 15


The Grand Lodge of Florida provides Master Mason Examinations to be open book type exams designed to give any Master Mason the opportunity to increase his knowledge of some of the Ancient Tenets, Rules, and Regulations of Masonry. They contain a mixture of multiple choice, True or False, or essay questions which should be answered on the answer sheet, as provided in the exam downloads.

The Grand Lodge of Florida encourages all members of the Craft to further their knowledge of Lodge operation, especially those concerning the Elected and Appointed

Officers of each particular Lodge. The Lodge Officers Training program was designed to educate and test your knowledge of Lodge procedures, business, penal code, and other areas. Let There Be Light


Appendant Bodies





Payment methods to Boca Delray Lodge No. 171:

1. By mailing a check to the address P.O. BOX 811113, Boca Raton, FL 33481-1113,

2. By CashApp to $BocaDelrayLodge171 or using the link$BocaDelrayLodge171

3. By Zelle to our Lodge email  (preferable)

Dues 2025: $281.00

LYPMGS Donation (2024): $7.30

Building Fund Donation (2024): $25.00

Relief Fund Donation (2024): $25.00

Total: $338.30



  1. Alexandre Castro Ferrari

  2. Aniello Alfonso Criscuolo

  3. Bryant Orville Myers Sr

  4. Charles-Johan Gustave Lund

  5. David M Haycock

  6. David A Allen

  7. Demetrios Chris Kirkiles

  8. Derik Brasher

  9. Donald Phillip Bolton

  10. Douglas Blair Sinclair

  11. Eoin Brackenridge Stafford

  12. Everett Alexander Stern

  13. George Ray Ruffing Jr

  14. Gerald Lee Barton

  15. Gerard Joseph Kleehammer

  16. Gerard Carras

  17. Harold William Ewing II

  18. Jack Harrison Breland

  19. John Raymond Farill

  20. John A Clarke Jr

  21. John W Langford

  22. Josiah Reeve Bright

  23. Leslie Scott Gardner

  24. Michael Strauss

  25. Michael Sinatra

  26. Patrick Peter Shepherd

  27. Paul Hunter Goldstein

  28. Peter James Snyder

  29. Pieter Van Gunst

  30. Raymond Hill Cralle

  31. Richard Scott Durgee

  32. Richard Wayne Jones

  33. Robert Wayne Estell Jr

  34. Robert Edward Coombs

  35. Rodrigo Jose Himiob

  36. Salvatore Musumeci

  37. Scott A Gardner

  38. Thomas Kevin Clements

  39. Victor Charles Weinberg

  40. Victor Lamont Searer Jr

  41. Walter Carleton McCrumb

  42. William Alfred Strucker

  43. William Arthur Tucker

  44. Zalmon John Starr




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